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C Minor Chord

piano chord chart

The C minor triad, more commonly called the C minor chord, is a minor triad consisting of the notes C, E-flat and G. Here it is on the treble clef staff:

… and on the piano:

Here is the C minor chord on the bass clef staff:

As a minor triad, the C minor chord consists of a minor third plus a major third. The interval from C to E-flat is a minor third, while the interval between E-flat and G is a major third.

Inversions of the C Minor Chord

If the root of the C minor chord – C – is the bass note (i.e., the bottom note), then the chord is in root position:

If the third of the chord – E-flat – is the bottom note, then the chord is in first inversion:

If the fifth of the chord – G – is the bass note, then the chord is in second inversion. (G is called the fifth of the chord because the interval from the root C to G is a fifth.)

C Minor Arpeggios

If the notes of a chord are played one after the other, the chord is said to be arpeggiated. Here are the standard fingerings for arpeggios of the C minor chord. Make sure you learn these fingerings!

(If you don’t understand the below notation, you should start with my How to Read Sheet Music course.)

C minor arpeggio in root position:

C minor arpeggio in first inversion:

C minor arpeggio in second inversion:

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