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Conservatory-quality online piano lessons from the City of Music, Vienna, Austria

My #1 Advice for Adult Piano Learners

Conservatory-quality online piano lessons from the City of Music, Vienna, Austria

Piano Values piano

What factors determine piano values, and how much is your piano worth? While a piano, like anything else, is ultimately worth whatever a seller can get for it, a piano’s real value is the result of many factors. This article will focus on a piano’s fair market value and discuss some...

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Piano Range piano

Question: What is the full scale of the keyboard/piano, and what is the first note on the keyboard?

– Patience (Salem, South Carolina, USA)

Albert’s reply: The first key on the standard, 88-key piano is A, and the top note is C.

However, the piano’s compass (its range of...

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Piano Pedals piano

What are all those piano pedals for, and how did they get there? This article explores the pedals and their history.

The piano pedals have by no means remained constant throughout the history of the piano. Today we refer to the piano’s right pedal as “the pedal,” but the number...

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Piano Pedal piano

A Blessing in Disguise!

My piano’s right pedal broke the other day. The piano pedal didn’t break off or anything; it just got disconnected. Since it seems all the piano technicians in Vienna have a several-week waiting list, I was determined to take matters into my own hands…


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Piano Insurance piano

Question: Can anyone recommend a source for piano insurance? I’ve heard of Heritage, etc., and the closest source I’ve found was pianoinsurance101.com and Piano World.

Albert’s reply: What you’ll need to look for is not piano insurance in particular but rather the more...

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Piano Appraisal piano

The purpose of piano appraisal is to determine a fair price for a piano. Fair market value should not be confused with a piano’s worth as a musical instrument, or even its actual quality. While it is true that a better piano in better condition will have a higher market value compared to...

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Light vs. Heavy Actions piano

Question: Hi Albert,

I have three pianos: two digital Rolands and a Steinway upright. All three have a very light touch. The problem is that after learning a piece with fast runs that I’ve worked hard on, I try to play the piece on other pianos and it’s like I never looked...

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Keyboard vs. Piano piano

Question: Finances keep me from getting a piano. Can a keyboard help while one is getting started?

– Caleb (Phoenix, Arizona, USA)

Albert’s reply: Keyboards can certainly be fine for the very beginning stages, as you familiarize yourself with the piano keyboard, the notes, scales...

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Blue Book of Pianos piano

Many people looking to buy or sell a seek to appraise its value by means of a so-called “blue book” of pianos. A blue book of pianos is a compilation of prices of new and used pianos, which can be used to give you an estimate of a piano’s value.

It is vital to understand that ...

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Baldwin Piano Age piano

Question: What year is my Baldwin piano from? The serial number is 1518109. Thank you.

– June (New Jersey, USA)

Albert’s reply: This Baldwin appears to be an Acrosonic from 1993, according to this source. Here is a list of Baldwin piano serial numbers correlated with year. It...

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Antique Piano Values piano

As discussed in the article Piano Values, a piano’s musical value may well differ from its market value. This is particularly the case when determining antique piano values.

If you’re a buyer, antique pianos are where the real bargains are. But there are also a lot of pianos that look...

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Antique Piano Value piano

Question: I have a piano for sale that’s very rare and I do have some information about it already:

  • Steinway
  • BP
  • Louis XV
  • Painted

The reason I’m inquiring is that I think it’s worth more than what it has been valued for. Can you advise me on this?

– Mark Colt (Argentina)...

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